Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Mike Chang's Insane Home Fat Loss Workout Review and 4-Week Results

The summer is around the corner and so is my impending trip to Vegas. As thoughts of donning a two-piece haunt me like a nightmare, I quickly think to myself that maybe it's time to stop fat-kidding all over town and to get serious about toning my trouble spots. Right when I was thinking that maybe I'll head back to the gym, I received a lovely delivery in my inbox of personal trainer Mike Chang's (pictured below) Insane Home Fat Loss Workout. I'll admit, I tend to think that all of these Youtube or "As Seen On TV" workouts are gimmicks, but man was I wrong about this one.

Personal Trainer Mike Chang

Here's the real deal. As an entrepreneur, I work -- a lot. I rarely have time to do the normal things on a day to day basis, and on top of that try to stay fit and active. My meals are delivered via Home Chef now because my grocery shopping and cooking time is limited, and the thought of actually packing up a bag, getting in my car, going to the gym, etc. just seems like more trouble than it is worth. BUT -- seeing as how I'm in the oh-so-glamorous fashion industry, working out and watching what I eat is an unfortunate must.

So I pop in Mike Chang's Insane Home Fat Loss Workout which can be viewed from your smart phone, iPad or other smart device. (I'm usually watching from my iPad.) Seemed pretty simple enough. It's 9 days of varied workouts targeting your core, legs, back, arms, and more. The workouts average at 20 minutes a piece and the routine varies in a circuit-training type system to alleviate boredom. Even after all of this, I still wasn't a believer. Hasn't it been drilled into our heads during our lifetime that we have to put in HOURS at the gym to truly see drastic results? Well Mike Chang will prove it all wrong. (Apologizing in advance for photos in the bathroom but you get the idea.)

Mike Change Insane Home Fat Loss Workout

Mike Change Insane Home Fat Loss Workout
Two Weeks

Above are my two weeks results. A few key things to note. I did not change my diet much. As I said before, I have a hectic schedule so eating out is on the menu for the majority of the time. I do however, drink a lot of water constantly throughout the day. As you can see -- a slimmer mid section and definitely a slimmer butt. The muffin top around the waist was definitely disappearing.

Mike Change Insane Home Fat Loss Workout

Mike Change Insane Home Fat Loss Workout
4 Weeks

I decided to restart the workouts again after the 9-days were up and here are my 4-week results above. The stomach became more toned and instead of my butt actually slimming down more, I noticed that it was definitely more rounded and raised. I'm still getting used to this because my pants fit differently but I've had a TON of compliments on how flat my stomach looks from people who see me on a day-to-day basis.

Mike Change Insane Home Fat Loss Workout's the money shot above. Me really proving that there are some abs under all of that Whataburger and Sugary Sweets I feast on. And the booty is definitely raised!

So here's the takeaway on the positives of this workout plan. This is the perfect workout for someone who wants to:
  1. Work Out At Home - I do all of these exercises in my living room comfortably in a sports bra and shorts.
  2. No Weights - It's low maintenance because no weights are required and all you need is a towel for some of the toning exercises.
  3. Time Efficient - All you have to do is commit an average of 20 minutes per workout. For the girl-on-the-go like myself, I definitely had 20 minutes to give.
I'm going to continue this journey and see how sculpted my abs can get, and I'm going to gradually work in eating healthier for even more drastic results. Here are some other people who have seen great results. Teresa Tullos (second pic below) achieved maximum results just after 10 weeks.

Insane Home Fat Loss Workout Mike Chang

Teresa Tullos Insane Home Fat Loss Workout

For more on Mike Chang's Insane Home Fat Loss Workout, click here. If you choose to accept the challenge (as some of my friends already have after seeing my results), please contact me and keep me updated. We're in this together!

xoxo - Leah

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