The French luxury brand, Celine, has some of the hottest handbags in the market right now. If you're like me, sometimes you want the luxury brands for less. You want to look the part without paying the part. The most popular Celine bag is the has protruding side details and can run anywhere between $2,400.00 to $3,000.00.
(Dakota Fanning carrying a Celine Phantom handbag)
I had already decided that I was going to purchase a smaller version of the Celine Phantom handbag roughly two weeks ago. So imagine my surprise as I go into DSW for a last-minute Easter shoe run today, to see a Celine look-a-like handbag made by London Fog. The handbag retails at $150.00 and I got it for $75.00!!!!
(Available at DSW Stores, appears to be only in-store and not online)
It looks fabulous, feels fabulous and I'm not out of $3,000.00. Just wanted to share this secret with you guys especially since I saw one woman walking out with this London Fog handbag in both cherry and mustard colors. According to the salesgirl, these bags are going fast! Keep plugged in for more of my fabulous fashion finds!